Our philosophy

Nature, fruit and people ...

It's this leitmotiv that guides us every day, and has earned the Distillerie de Biercée a reputation for excellence since it was founded in 1946.


It inspires us, guides our choices and our distillation schedule. In winter and spring, it's time to distill citrus fruits from the best orchards in Murcia or Andalusia (lemons, oranges, mandarins, kumquats, etc.). Summer brings cherries and raspberries. And in autumn, pears, apples, plums and mirabelles arrive at the distillery.


They are at the heart of all our creations. Always of the highest quality, fresh and untreated, they are carefully selected from the best terroirs and respected, enhanced and sublimated by our Master Distillers.

The men

Et des femmes qui aiment leur métier. Ensemble, ils forment une équipe, fière et passionnée, toujours à la recherche du meilleur pour satisfaire les amateurs d’alcools d’exception et les plus fins connaisseurs. Artisans du goût, ils se transmettent un savoir-faire précieux et rare, pour sublimer les fruits de la nature, faire connaître nos créations et participer ainsi à la découverte gustative d’autres hommes et femmes.


In each of our bottles, you'll find all the natural flavour of the finest raw materials, without any flavour enhancers or chemical agents. That's our top priority.